######## Settings ######## Documentation of all the configuration variables you can add to your ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` file. ******** Comments ******** .. _cast_comments_enabled: CAST_COMMENTS_ENABLED ===================== Whether or not to enable comments on the site. Defaults to ``False``. ********** Pagination ********** POST_LIST_PAGINATION ==================== The number of posts to show per page on the user facing blog list page. Defaults to ``5``. CHOOSER_PAGINATION ================== The number of items (audio, video or image) to show per page in the wagtail admin chooser. Defaults to ``10``. MENU_ITEM_PAGINATION ==================== The number of items (audio, video, or image) to show per page in the wagtail admin menu. Defaults to ``20``. ****** Images ****** DELETE_WAGTAIL_IMAGES ===================== Whether or not to delete the original image when a Wagtail image model is removed. Defaults to ``True``. This is useful if you are using an object store like S3 to store your images and want to avoid having your production images deleted when you try out stuff in your development environment. CAST_IMAGE_FORMATS ================== For which image formats to generate thumbnails / srcset / source renditions. Defaults to ``["jpeg", "avif"]``. .. _image_slot_dimensions: CAST_IMAGE_SLOT_DIMENSIONS ========================== The dimensions of the image slots in blog posts and the modal shown when clicking on thumbnail gallery images. Defaults to ``(1110, 740)``. CAST_THUMBNAIL_SLOT_DIMENSIONS =============================== The dimension of image slots for thumbnails in blog posts. Defaults to ``(120, 80)``. ********* Templates ********* Custom Theme Configuration ========================== To configure custom themes for the site, use the ``CAST_CUSTOM_THEMES`` setting. By default, it is set to an empty list ``[]``. Each theme requires two elements: a name and a display. For instance: .. code-block:: python CAST_CUSTOM_THEMES = [ # (name, display) ("my_theme", "My Theme"), ("my_other_theme", "My Other Theme"), ] The display value is the title displayed in the theme selector within the Wagtail admin panel. The name corresponds to the theme's base directory inside your templates folder. To create a theme named my_theme, make a directory called ``cast/my_theme`` within your templates folder and place your templates inside. asdf ******** Storages ******** Configure Backup Storage ======================== If you store your media files on S3, you can configure a local backup storage like this: .. code-block:: python STORAGES = { "default": {"BACKEND": "config.settings.local.CustomS3Boto3Storage"}, "staticfiles": {"BACKEND": "django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.StaticFilesStorage"}, "production": {"BACKEND": "config.settings.local.CustomS3Boto3Storage"}, "backup": { "BACKEND": "django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage", "OPTIONS": { "location": ROOT_DIR.path("backups").path("media"), }, }, } .. important:: This will only work if you are using Django >= 4.2. ****************** Faceted Navigation ****************** You can configure the facets that are available in the search UI by setting the ``CAST_FILTERSET_FACETS`` variable in your settings file. The default value is: .. code-block:: python CAST_FILTERSET_FACETS = [ "search", "date", "date_facets", "category_facets", "tag_facets" ] But if you want to remove the ``tag_facets`` facet, because you don't use tags, you can do it like this: .. code-block:: python CAST_FILTERSET_FACETS = [ "search", "date", "date_facets", "category_facets" ] ********** Repository ********** How to fetch data from the database. By default, the repository fetches all the data using optimized sql. If you want to fetch data using the Django ORM, you can set the ``CAST_REPOSITORY`` variable in your settings to ``"django"``. .. code-block:: python CAST_REPOSITORY = "django"