Release Process

Bump Version Number

Change the version number in following files:

  • cast/

  • docs/



Build the Javascript (image-gallery component):

$ cd javascript
$ npx vite build
$ cd dist/
$ mv .vite/manifest.json manifest.json
$ rm -r .vite
$ rm ../../cast/static/cast/vite/*
$ cp * ../../cast/static/cast/vite/

Create the Release on GitHub

  1. Create a new tag on GitHub

  2. Copy the release notes from the previous version and change them accordingly

  3. Mark as pre-release

Test Python Versions and Merge develop into main

Make sure all tests are passing on supported Python versions:

$ tox

Merge the develop branch into the main branch:

$ git checkout main
$ git pull && git merge develop
$ git push

Build the Release Wheels and Publish to PyPI

Create the package:

$ flit publish